As promised, more photos of the event.
Round #1 proved to be a slow one, maybe it is due to the rainy weather. Table 1 did not have any ousts. There were ousts on Table 2, but it was still not fast enough for anyone to get a game win.
There was a break for lunch after Round #1 timed out, and then there was Round #2, with a total of 12 Methusalahs. We had 3 tables of 4, and the games were ending much faster than Round #1. One of the tables actually had enough time to start a new just-for-fun game while the rest of the tables were fighting out!! Since it is only Round #2, do look out for more photos soon.

Table 1: Stephen's
Forest of Blood
Unfortunately, he was the 1st on the table to be ousted (by Derek)
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Table 1: Bann's Animalism Weenies | Table 1: Dzaki's Saulot Deck |

Table 1: Yi Peng's Imbued Deck
He managed to oust Derek right after Derek ousted Stephen
Thus earning him 1VP
Table 1: Derek's G2/3 Tremere/!Tremere Bruise Bleed
Results of Round #1 Table 1: Game timed out at 2 hours with no game win. Derek got 1VP, Yi Peng got 1.5VP, Dzaki and Bann got 0.5VP each, while Stephen got 0VP.

Table 2: After the first few rounds of Keith's turn

Table 2: Keith's Khazar's Diary in full force, with many wraiths on the table
Table 2: Robin's Rachel Brandywine deck
Table 2: BK's Saulot Deck which managed to bloat successfully from a threatening pool size of 5 (Apparently no one noticed the burn clause on the Lord of Serenity card text and he got away)

Table 2: Fauzi's Assamite Deck

Table 2: Danz's Toreador Toolbox
Alexandra was his first vamp and Anneke was out quite late in the game
Results of Round #1 Table 2: Game timed out at 2 hours with no ousts. Keith, Robin, BK, Fauzi and Danz each got 0.5 VP.
We had new contenders in Round #2, namely Edward and YY. What were they playing?

Round #2: Table 1 (From Left - Stephen, Edward, Derek, Danz)
Table 1: Edward was playing a weenie DOM bleed deck
However, he was the 1st one ousted as most of the bleeds were being deflected to him from his predator
Results of Round #2 Table 1: Game ended in 55 min with Stephen sweeping the table giving him 1GW.

Round #2: Table 2 (From Left - Yi Peng, YY, BK, Bann)
Table 2: YY was playing his Cannon in D.
Results of Round #2 Table 2: Game ended 10 min after Table 1 ended. YY managed to use the power of the Daughters' singing to sweep the table and giving him 1GW as well.

Round #2: Table 3 (From Left - Fauzi, Robin, Dazki, Keith (and Elliot as spectator))
Results of Round #2 Table 3: This was the longest running table, and it was a tough fighting ground. Robin eventually managed to oust everyone and swept the table. 1GW for Robin!