Sunday 11 April 2010

Deck suggestions needed for SporeCon '10

Hey guys,

We will be needing demo decks to use during SporeCon.

So, please post here with deck ideas for demo decks for the event. Include the following with the deck list:
- what particular part of the game does the deck focus on?
- how does a typical turn look like for this deck?
- why is it easy for a participant to learn the game with this deck?
- can this deck be built based on cards in the pool?

Or you can email me at zhengyyz *dash* blog *at* yahoo *dot* com *dot* sg.


  1. demo decks, ¿can you made it from 2 starters?

    likes it

    i was made thoose
    trem! (BH)x2 bruise&bleed (tipical turn: bleed and if blocked use theft of vitae, when blocks burn sunlight+rochtrect and redirect if stealth, if votes intercept)
    nosfe! (BH)x2 long combat & permablock (muy parecido al de alias) (tipical turn first get out some ravens , try at least 2 in one minion, later bleed or rush one troublemaking minion, defense guard dogs vs bleed and a bit of intercept with cats)
    Malk (kot)+ Malk! (Thrd)crazy stealth & bleed
    ventrue! (SW)+ salubri! (HttB) only ventrues!
    (survive, redirect, save your ass every time and wait for your time to bleed)
    lasombra (SW)x2 stealth & bleed with a little bit intercept and combat
    barons (anarchs)x2 anarch revolt & voters captivation and some bleed (made your minions anarchs, minion tap they, made they barons, do votes, use bewiching and voter captivation to got blood & pool, and kill with votes, bleed and anarch revolt)
    ventrues (kot)x2 really thought.
    get out a huge prince, use 4tradition do put pool down,use freak drive (or majesty if blocked)to vote or bleed, when the prince is poor on blood golconda him and get other out, second tradition, special report and murmur to defend to defend yourself
    salubri! (httb)x2 only salubris! combat & a bit intercept (a little bit hard to explain, but get out uriel, villein him, and give him blooding by the code+ abot + baseball bat, put out some minions more ,brother in arms helps to it, hide the heart and telepathic counter save you from bleeds, with sense of death and rumble you can rush and you can kill with fame and dragonbound. your combat is fortitude and baseballing prob agravated)

  2. i wrote up 4 decklists for teaching on my blog: a stealth bleed Malk deck, Ventrue vote deck, Gangrel combat deck and Toreador Aching beauty/wall deck. They were built with mostly KoT with some Jyhad cards.

    They are versatile enough that there isn't a clutch combo that must be pulled to win; their strategies are straight-forward enough. They can be tuned according to taste and card pool. The decks aren't perfect but they are workable.

  3. Thanks for the input, guys!

  4. im putting they in this thread (in spanish)
